Ecology Consultancy NSW, QLD and SA

Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

Ecological Consultants Sydney and Brisbane

Cumberland Ecology is now part of SLR Consulting – global leaders in full spectrum sustainability solutions. To learn more about SLR, please visit Global Leaders in Sustainability Solutions | SLR Consulting.

Cumberland Ecology is a team of trusted Australian ecological consultants, providing expertise in all areas of environmental assessment and management.

Our experienced consultants will guide you quickly and smoothly through planning processes, offering pragmatic solutions to environmental risk.

We deliver cutting edge Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping and remote sensing, through to planning and approvals, vegetation management plans, expert witnesses, and accredited Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) assessors.

We provide high-quality ecological services to a wide range of private and public sector clients from Local, State and Commonwealth government agencies, small and medium businesses and individuals, right through to blue-chip clients like ARTC, BHP and Mirvac.




Renewable Energy


Flora & Fauna Surveys


GIS & Remote Sensing


Management Plans


Post Approvals & Monitoring




Planning & Approvals


Aquatic Ecology


Biodiversity Offsetting


Terrestrial Ecology


Legal Assessment & Testimony

World class ecological services

Our projects span private residential work, to major projects, renewable energy, post approval management and boutique and specialty projects.

 Quality Advice, Rapid Response
 Expert Offsetting Calculations and Advice
 Trusted and Compelling Expert Legal Voice
Accurate Species Impacts and Analyses
 20+ Strong Team Nationally
10 Outstanding & BAM Accredited Assessors
 Ecological Assessment of Renewables Projects
 Competitive Pricing
Management of Complex Projects
 Expert Stakeholder Negotiation


Cumberland Ecology has a successful record in acquiring planning approvals

Our scope of work includes ecological surveys, flora and fauna assessments and reporting, biodiversity offset reporting, aquatic monitoring, weed management plans, DA applications/approvals and bushland management plans.

All Cumberland’s ecologists are well-versed in Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM), required when working with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act (BC Act). We also have 11 accredited in-house BAM assessors.

Cumberland’s expert team has carried out a wide variety of large and small BAM projects since the BC Act started, including matters assessed by the NSW Land and Environment Court (LEC).

We have an in-depth knowledge of State and Commonwealth environmental legislation and deep experience in its application across a multitude of real -life situations, giving our clients confidence they are receiving pragmatic, astute and efficient advice.

Some project highlights are:

The ongoing eight-year survey and analysis of threatened flora and fauna on Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Cumberland has overseen nine ecological expeditions through the megadiverse tropical rainforests of the Philippines.
Expert analysis of impacts to critically endangered temperate grasslands and Snow Gum woodlands in the NSW Snowy Mountains.
❖ Providing thousands of hectares of new habitat for native species through development and management of biodiversity offsets.

Land and Environment and Federal Court – Expert Witness

Since its beginnings in 2003, Cumberland Ecology has delivered more than 5000 environmental projects across Australia and overseas, with many requiring astute negotiation and final resolution and approval from the court.

Cumberland’s strong reputation for excellent expert testimony has delivered our clients successful outcomes in many Land and Environment Court and Federal Court cases.

Our ecological consultants are experienced in preparing for, and managing LEC proceedings for Class 1, Class 3, Class 4 and Class 5 matters.

We stand ready to guide your business through the complexities of ecological assessments in court, working closely with your legal counsel.

Cumberland Ecology’s Director Dr David Robertson is a highly experienced and sought-after expert witness with 35 years of ecology experience since obtaining his doctorate at Melbourne University in 1985.

Dr Robertson is also a key opinion leader in government and court-related environmental work and has a special interest in threatened species impacts, ecologically sustainable renewable energy solutions, terrestrial and aquatic monitoring, and surveying.

Dr David Robertson

Biodiversity and
Renewable Energy

The tension between human growth and sustainability has never been more apparent with the visible onset of climate change and increasing global population challenges.

Climate-driven natural
disasters underscored 2020 in Australia

This is when Australia lost 3 billion animals as wildfires scorched almost 20 million hectares of land.

Australia has the fourth highest level of animal species’ extinction

Today 30% of the world’s entire global mammal extinction has occurred right here in Australia.

We genuinely want to make a positive difference for you and our world.

Contact us to discuss your conservation, sustainability or renewable energy project.

We deliver world class ecological solutions

In the face of this clear need for humanity to re-examine its relationship with nature, Cumberland Ecology is making it our business to drive better sustainability, conservation and biodiversity outcomes.

While continuing to embrace our traditional areas of work, Cumberland Ecology is making special efforts to provide high quality, compelling analysis and management in key areas such as sustainability and renewables.

We want to help our clients achieve the best for their projects – in both business and biodiversity outcomes.

Our pricing and standards for these projects are extremely competitive.

Our Full Services
Accredited Assessors
Aquatic Monitoring
AusRivas (Australian River Assessment)
BAM (Biodiversity Assessment Method)
Biodiversity Offset
Biodiversity Development Assessment
Clearance Supervision
DA Applications
DA Approvals
Ecological Advice
Ecological Assessment
Ecological Conditions of Consent
Ecological Impact Assessment
Environmental Approvals
GIS and Remote Sensing
Koala Plan of Management
Land and Environment Court
Mining Advice
Part 4 developments
Part 5 activities
Pre-Clearance Surveys
Renewable Energy
Stewardship Site/Conservation
Threatened Species
DA Approvals
Some of our clients
We genuinely want to make a
positive difference for you and our world.
Contact us to discuss your conservation, sustainability or renewable energy project.

Renewable Energy

Our ecological services maximise sustainability for flora and fauna while ensuring optimum project outcomes

Planning, Monitoring and Management

We deliver best practice and innovative conservation and land management programs nationally

Biodiversity Offsetting Analysis, Management

We bring laser-like focus to produce successful and productive offsets for threatened species habitats

GIS and Remote Sensing Implementation

We perform mapping and spatial services to clearly demonstrate flora and fauna occurrences and impacts

Ecological Assessment of Agricultural Projects

We strive for best practice and innovative conservation and land management in all areas of ecological consultancy.

Freshwater Biodiversity Management

We monitor and manage the integrity and biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems for properties and developments.