Flora and Fauna Survey and Assessment

Cumberland Ecology has built a national reputation on its flora and fauna survey expertise.
We have a strong, 20 plus team of botanists, zoologists, ecologists, and GIS specialists to support our project management and we prepare high quality assessment reports.
We know that field survey methods, exemplary data collection and management are vital to the successful delivery of projects, especially now during accreditation of Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) officers, and data audits.

Our fauna team is experienced in general surveys across the full range of species including the survey techniques needed to target specific threatened species.
We apply the latest survey guidelines and best-practice species specific survey techniques.
Our experienced ecologists are critical to the assessment of impacts on fauna and the calculation of biodiversity offsets. Under the BAM there is a growing number of animals called “Species Credit Species” which must be surveyed and/or offset.

Cumberland Ecology’s botanists have many years of experience in flora surveys and identification and mapping of plant community types right across Australia, and particularly in NSW and Queensland.

Our botanists understand the factors that influence the presence of plant communities. These include geology, soil, hydrology, topography, and land use history. These are critical for verification of Threatened Ecological Communities (TECs) and their habitats.

Our senior staff are also always up to date with current policies and guidelines affecting flora and fauna assessments including region-specific documents. This ensures that ecological work for development applications in specific council areas are compliant with local requirements.
Cumberland Ecology’s reports are clear and well presented with professionally prepared high-resolution mapping, photography, data analysis and text that comprehensively address the requirements for approval.

Our expertise includes:

Field Techniques and Analysis

❖ Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM)
❖ Fauna habitat assessments
❖ GIS mapping
❖ Methodology and Framework for Biodiversity Assessment surveys (NSW)
❖ Regional Ecosystem mapping (QLD)
❖ Targeted fauna survey (including use of Elliott, pitfall, funnel, hair tube, harp and infra-red camera traps, ultrasonic bat call detection, call playback and spotlighting)
❖ Targeted threatened flora searches
❖ Vegetation mapping and classification
❖ Plant Community Type (PCT) selection.


We carry out:

❖ Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports (BDAR) and Biodiversity Certification Assessment Reports (BCAR) applying the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM), and State Significant Development (SSD) and State Significant Infrastructure (SSI) Projects
❖ Impact assessments under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, including:
    ➢ Biodiversity Assessments for Environmental Assessments / Impact Statements for State Significant Projects (SSP)
    ➢ Flora and Fauna Assessment Reports (Tests of Significance or 5-part tests)
❖ Ecological constraints analysis
❖ Referrals and other reporting to comply with the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC).

Strategic Ecological Advice
We deliver:

❖ Experienced consultation with Commonwealth, State, and Local Government agencies
❖ Expert testimony for court work
❖ Pre-planning advice on ecological constraints for prospective development projects.