Industry Sectors


Cumberland Ecology carries out ecological assessments for developments including:

❖ State Significant Infrastructure
❖ Rail developments and upgrades
❖ Motorway upgrades
❖ Drinking water and sewerage infrastructure
❖ Large urban developments
❖ Renewable energy projects
❖ Powerline infrastructure
❖ Critical water storage facilities.

Our key areas of expertise include threatened species assessment, vegetation assessment, offset development, pre-clearing and clearing survey and compliance monitoring.

Our clients include widely recognised and respected utility service providers (electricity and water), transport corporations and major construction contractors.

Public Sector

Report writing

Cumberland Ecology offers a wide range of services to Local, State and Commonwealth Governments including:

❖ Strategic reviews
❖ Compliance audits and peer reviews
❖ Advice for large-scale land-release projects
❖ Baseline technical studies to inform precinct planning processes
❖ Recommendations/management frameworks for regional conservation outcomes
❖ Strategic advice and consultation on offset policy development, property evaluations for regional conservation strategies
❖ Assessment and consultation for the planning and development of a number of Sydney’s Growth Centre precincts.

Private Sector

aquatic surveys

Cumberland Ecology has extensive experience in the mining and resources sectors in NSW, QLD and NT. This includes:

❖ Assessment of gold and copper mining projects
❖ Open cut and underground coal mining projects
❖ Sand quarrying projects
❖ Rehabilitation projects and large-scale offsetting strategies.
❖ We have also successfully serviced significant international mining projects.

We provide a wide range of services to our mining and resources clients including:

❖ Comprehensive biodiversity impact assessment for State and Federal approvals
❖ Biodiversity offset development
❖ Provision of expert testimony and other court work
❖ Compliance monitoring and environmental audits
❖ Peer reviews
❖ Preparation of management plans
❖ Consultation with government agencies, stakeholders and third party collaborators.

Commercial and Residential

Commercial and Residential

Cumberland Ecology is continuously involved in a range of commercial and residential development projects and their associated applications. We provide technical and strategic expertise for:
❖ All varieties of planning proposals, large and small subdivisions, property acquisitions, residential developments and major commercial developments
❖ For larger projects and staged applications, our experienced ecologists work proactively as part of a multi-disciplinary planning and design team to find solutions to complex planning and construction issues
❖ We are also highly experienced in liaison with local councils and State and Commonwealth government agencies to ensure the best outcomes for the application process.