Project approvals often have requirements for ongoing biodiversity management, sometimes for years after a project is complete.
Cumberland Ecology has vast experience in preparing and delivering both the biodiversity management plans and the post-approval monitoring and management.
We routinely prepare a wide range of plans from vegetation management for small residential developments approved by councils through to biodiversity management plans for major offsets across extensive areas of bushland, required by State and Commonwealth regulators.
Cumberland Ecology recognises the importance of producing comprehensive management plans to meet the requirements of each situation – that are also practical, easy to interpret and implement.
Our capabilities include:
Vegetation Management Plans
Koala Plans of Management
Kangaroo Management Plans
Biodiversity Management Plans
Biodiversity Offset Management Plans
Threatened Species Management Plans
Hollow Offset Replacement Strategy
Weed and Feral Management Plans
Water Quality Management Plans
Nest Box Management Plans
Dam Dewatering Plans
Fauna Action Plans
Soil Translocation Plans
Property Vegetation Management Plans
Preparation and implementation of compliance monitoring programs
Environmental audits of restoration work and biodiversity offsets
Peer reviews of management plan