Post-Approvals and Monitoring

Post-Approvals and Monitoring

Cumberland Ecology is expert in negotiating, advising, planning and delivering the full range of ecological work to satisfy Conditions of Consent imposed by councils, state and Commonwealth Government agencies. 

Regulatory bodies often impose ongoing requirements for biodiversity management and monitoring when approving projects – sometimes for years after a project is complete.

The type of work includes additional surveys, supervision of activities and ongoing monitoring. 

Ecological monitoring records the environment’s response to actions such as development. This provides feedback that can be used to improve management and boost long-term ecological outcomes at a particular site.

Cumberland Ecology is experienced in all types of monitoring and in preparing high-quality and appropriate reports to satisfy regulator’s requirements. 

Our post-approval and monitoring work routinely includes:

Pre-clearing Surveys – surveying an area before clearing to identify fauna habitats and to safely remove as many fauna species as possible

Clearing Supervision – supervising the clearing work to ensure that habitat features are appropriately cleared and rescuing any animals that may be disturbed by the process

Dam Dewatering – the controlled removal of water from a dam within a development area and the rescue and relocation of all native fauna species encountered including eels and fish

Nest Box Installation in areas of bushland for use by hollow-dependent fauna species like possums or gliders. This is often compensation for hollows removed in a development area

Threatened Species Monitoring – ongoing surveys over time to document the response of known populations of threatened species to nearby development

❖ Scientific monitoring of grassland, where some plots were subject to kangaroo grazing and others where grazing was excluded to record the vegetation response to grazing pressure

Macrofauna management – developing and implementing strategies to manage overabundant native species including kangaroos that can cause serious problems in some areas

Nest Box Monitoring – ongoing monitoring of nest boxes to determine their usage by native fauna species

Biodiversity Offset Monitoring – detailed monitoring of areas set aside and protected as biodiversity offsets to track how biodiversity responds over time

Weed and Feral Animal Monitoring – in an area to gauge the success of management programs and recommend future actions

Conditions of Consent Compliance – monitoring surveys to ensure that all the conditions of consent have been complied with